Forestry Sector Council2024-06-13T12:41:31-04:00

A skilled forestry workforce

Sustainable, diverse and growing

The Forestry Sector Council is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to developing a skilled and professional workforce for the forestry industry in Nova Scotia. We collaborate with partners to identify and solve labour challenges, advance innovation in human resources, and build capacity in our sector.

Our strategic priorities:

  • Human Resources Planning

  • Talent Attraction and Retention

  • Skill Development

A man in forestry safety gear extracts a core sample from a tree in the woods.
Man in hi-vis vest and hat walking above wood processing equipment at saw mill


We’re shaping the future of forestry in Nova Scotia by helping our sector thrive.

Women in hi-vis vest and hard hat pointing out age rings on pile of logs

Forestry Careers

Helping you reach your goals while growing your career in forestry.

A logging truck with a full load of logs on a road in the forest.

Business Resources

Build your team, retain your staff and access training opportunities.

Forestry Funding Helps with Fiona Damage, Silviculture

March 9, 2023|

More support is coming to help private woodlot owners recover from hurricane Fiona and grow healthy forests. The Department is investing an additional $5.7 million this fiscal year to help private woodlot owners with Fiona cleanup.

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